
Terms and Conditions



Your entry to the premises at Pipeworks Market Thomastown located at 5 Dunstans Court Thomastown Victoria and operated by Pipeworks Thomastown Market Pty Ltd (ACN 638 200 389) is subject to the following terms and conditions displayed at the entrance of the Market and are available on our website www.pipeworksmarket.com.au. These Rules and Regulations are intended to guide you and assist you in understanding the requirements relating to access, traffic management, general conduct and compliance with laws and regulations; and mitigate risks of loss, damage, death or injury.

These Rules and Regulations apply to all persons entering the Market , by virtue of entry, agree to be legally bound by and to comply with the same.  If you enter the Markets, you agree to comply with the Conditions of Entry summarized below and the Pipeworks Market Thomastown  rules as amended from time to time. Then If you fail to comply with the Conditions you are liable to Pipeworks Market Thomastown for damages. If you disagree with the Conditions, do not enter the site, or alternatively, see an authorized representative of Pipeworks Market Thomastown.

1. Core trading hours

The core trading hours of the Market are:

Saturday – 8.30 am to 4.00 pm.

Sunday – 8.30 am to 4.00 pm.

Pipeworks Market Thomastown reserves the right, in its absolute  discretion to close the Market,  alter the layout or purpose for which it is used on any particular day or impose any other condition or directive it may reasonably consider necessary at any time.

2. Entry and Parking

  1. Entry into Pipeworks Market Thomastown e will be granted upon presentation of ticket purchased at the entrance of the Market. To the extent permitted by law tickets cannot be transferred, exchanged, or refunded once purchased.
  2. You are required to pay vehicle entry fees when entering the Pipeworks Market Thomastown. Parking is restricted to the terms and conditions that are prescribed by Market Management from time to time. A Person must not park or leave a Vehicle in any area at the Market unless the Vehicle is parked in a Designated Parking Bay.
  3. Management at Pipeworks Market Thomastown reserves the right to refuse admission to any Person, or to require any Person already within the Markets to leave for any reason.
  4. You  must not block access or create an obstacle (physical or visual) to fire exits, emergency equipment, pedestrian crossings, footpaths, walkways, car parks or roads and must obey all speed limits, traffic rules, parking restrictions and signage.
  5. You must not advertise any goods for sale or sell  any goods or services at the market without the express consent of the management at Pipeworks Market Thomastown.
  6. Closed circuit television technology and/or other video surveillance technology may be used within Pipeworks Market Thomastown  for security purposes. In entering Pipeworks Market Thomastown you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of any images recorded and stored by it for any of the purposes of protecting the rights and safety of yourself and other Parties, maintaining security and in the investigation of incidents, accidents, or unlawful acts.
  7. You must not record any images of Persons or property at Pipeworks Market Thomastown without the prior consent of management at Pipeworks Market Thomastown.

3. “No Smoking” Policy

  1. For the purposes of the Tobacco Amendment Act 2016, Pipeworks Market Thomastown has been designated a controlled Shopping Market. Smoking is prohibited in the enclosed Market and in outdoor eating areas, and in the amusement and entertainment areas, both during trading hours and outside trading hours.

4. Drugs and Alcohol

No person must not bring into the Markets (or promote the use of) any illegal drug or any weapon or explosives or any substance or device that could create a fire risk or other hazard.

5. Security

a. Pipeworks Market Thomastown or its nominated agent shall have the sole right to evict any person it or they deem to be acting in a manner which is undesirable,  unlawful,  behave in an offensive or generally anti-social manner or  detrimental to or interfering with the preservation of good order or the comfort, safety and pleasurable enjoyment of persons lawfully using the Market.

b. Pipeworks Market Thomastown will not be liable for any loss damage theft of any property brought on to the Market. Your property including your motor vehicle and other possessions are your own responsibility.

c.  To the extent permitted by law Pipeworks Market Thomastown reserves the right to inspect any baggage or items brought onto the market including vehicles that are at the Market.

6. Children

All children up to and including the age of fifteen (15) years must at all times, while at the Market must be accompanied and supervised by an adult.

7. Indemnity

You enter Pipeworks Market Thomastown at your  own risk;  All visitors to Pipeworks Market Thomastown including licensees, their employees or agents or consultants release Pipeworks Market (Thomastown) including its servants, agents, employees and consultants  hold them harmless  and each of them from all actions, costs, claims, charges, expenses, penalties, demands and damages whatsoever which may be brought or made or claimed against them, or any of them, arising out of in or about the Premises caused or contributed to by any act or omission of that Person or any use of or presence at the by that Person, or negligence of that Person,  or breach of the Regulations, any Policy and/ or the General Terms and Conditions of Entry;

8. Pets

  1. Visitors to Pipeworks Market Thomastown are granted permission to accompany their  pets onto the premises provided that they adhere to and comply with the conditions herein.
  2. It is accepted that in having your pets accompany you onto the premises you hereby waive any and all liability of Pipeworks Market Thomastown for any injury, harm, or damage caused by your pets to any person, property, or other pets while on the premises, absolving Pipeworks Market Thomastown  from responsibility for any resulting consequences or claims arising from such incidents.
  3. You acknowledge and agree to accept complete responsibility and liability for any actions and behaviors exhibited by your pets while they are present on the premises of Pipeworks Market Thomastown.
  4. Irrespective of the prevailing circumstances, you hereby acknowledge and agree to be held strictly accountable and liable for any and all harm, injury, or damage inflicted by your pets whilst situated on the premises, encompassing, yet not restricted to, incidents such as bites, scratches, property damage, or any other actions culminating in harm or damage.
  5. You must diligently ensure that your pets are consistently under control and actively supervised at all times while present on the premises. Any negligence or failure to uphold this responsibility may lead to the immediate removal of the pet from the premises by authorized personnel.
  6. You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold Pipeworks Market Thomastown, its affiliates, subsidiaries, officers, directors, employees, agents, partners, and licensors harmless from and against any claims, damages, liabilities, costs, or expenses arising from the presence, behavior, or actions of your pets on the premises, whether such claims arise from negligence, strict liability, breach of contract, or any other legal theory.
  7. Pipeworks Market Thomastown reserves the sole and absolute discretion to enforce these terms and conditions and retains the prerogative to deny entry to any pet or pet owner who either violates these terms or whose pet presents a potential hazard to the safety or welfare of individuals present on the premises.
  8. You accept that in having your pets accompany you onto the premises  you explicitly acknowledge, comprehend, and consent to adhere to the terms and conditions stipulated herein.
  9. These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Domestic Animals Act 1994, which includes but is not limited to its provisions, regulations, interpretations, and any subsequent amendments or revisions thereof, as applicable.
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